RKN 1 (1953 - 1958) |

The first 5-year plan being approved by the state council with an allocation of BND100 million that emphasised on major constructional work on roads, bridges, buildings such as schools, hospitals, social services and the installation of technical equipment for radio, telephones and electricity.
RKN 2 (1962 - 1966) |
The Second National Development Plan with an allocation of BND543 million, aims at strengthening, improving and further developing the economic, social and cultural life of the people in the state of Brunei and embrace the fourteen (14) outlined objectives amongst other includes: - Economic Diversification;
- Increase per capita income through increase productivity;
- Maintain high level of employment;
- Maintain a relatively stable price level;
- Develop an adequate and comprehensive national system of education of all levels;
- Develop a comprehensive system of national health;
- Provide adequate public service facilities;
- Encourage and promote the participation by the private sector.
RKN 3 (1975 - 1979) |
The Third National Development Plan was allocated with a total budget of BND500 million. The plan was formulated and designed in continuity with the objectives of the RKN 2 (1962-1966) in strengtening, improving and further developing the economic, social and cultural life of the people of Brunei with priority given to the following objectives:
- Maintain a high level of employment; and
- Diversify the economy through accelerated development of agriculture and industry.
RKN 4 (1980 - 1984) |
The Fourth National Development Plan with an allocation BND2.2 billion is emphasising in strengthening, improving and developing the economic, social and cultural life of the people.
Four (4) important factors during this plan:
- Political Factor of Brunei achieving independence by 1983, important to ensure and maintain peace, security and prosperity;
- Increasing consciousness of the need to conserve energy resources brought about by the continuous oil price increase;
- Changing Geo-Political situation of the Regional Countries;
- Increasing difficulty of obtaining cheap immigrant workers from the neighbouring countries.
RKN 5 (1986 - 1990) |
 | The fifth National Development Plan with an allocation of BND3.7 billion aspires to provide for the various services and facilities for the improvement of the standard of living of the people whilst strengthening the economic and social development of the country.
The Plan outlined the following strategies:
Maximising the Economic Utilisation of the Country's Natural Resources;
Allocate more Funds for the Productive Sectors;
Accelerate the Development of Human Resources; and
Improve Facilities for Industrial Development.
RKN 6 (1991 - 1995) |
 | The Sixth National Development Plan with an allocation of BND5.5 billion aims at meeting the country's needs especially in improving the standard of living and quality of life of its people, as well as strengthening further the economy of the nation.
This RKN emphasised the following objectives:
Further Accelerate Human Resources Development;
Widen the Economic Base and Create a Favourable Climate for Industries;
Optimising Government Expenditure;
Sustaining the Development of the Oil/Gas Industry;
Encouraging the Development of a Strong Private Sector;
Maintaining a Clean and Healthy Environment.
RKN 7 (1996 - 2000) |
 | The Seventh National Development Plan is the 3rd five-year plan of the 20-year long-term development plan that started in 1985 with a total budget of BND7.2 billion. Whislt continuing to further improve the quality of life for the people, the plan will strive to enhance the economic achievement of the nation.
The emphasis of RKN 7 was on balanced socio-economic development through economic diversificationy, provision of adequate and well-planned infrastructure and public facilities, implementation of effective human resource development, implementation of social development projects, utilisation of appropriate technologies and continuous protection of the environment.
RKN 8 (2001 - 2005) |
The Eighth National Development Plan (RKN 8) with a total budget of BND9.5 billion has been allocated to focus on strengthening and expanding the following:
- Oil and Gas Industry;
- Economic Diversifications, value-added industries which can open up new employment opportunities as well as export;
- Human Resource Development;
- Formation of a more conducive environment for Investment;
- Enhancing the provision of infrastructural facilities and adequate well-planned public amenities;
- Active participation of the Private sector.
RKN 9 (2007 - 2012) |
In RKN 2007-2012 a total of BND9.5 billion has been allocated to implement development projects under the following sectors:
Industry and Commerce Sector;
Tourism Sector;
Tourism Sector;
Transport and Communication Sector;
Social Services Sector;
HRD, Education Sector;
Environment Sector;
Public Utilities Sector;
Science, Technology and Innovation;
ICT Sector;
Security Sector
RKN 10 (2012 - 2017) |
 | The Tenth National Development Plan (RKN10) focus on developmental efforts to achieve faster and higher economic growth with the RKN theme of "Knowledge and Innovation, Increase Productivity, Accelerated Economic Growth".
Six (6) strategic development thrusts in implementing the RKN10:
Educated and Highly Skilled Population;
High Quality of Life;
Conducive Business Environment;
Productive and Progressive Economy Based on Knowledge and Innovation;
- Good Governance and Government Modernisation;
- High Quality and Sustainable Development Infrastructure.
A total of BND6.5 billion has been allocated for RKN10 and additional BND1.7 billion have been injected to further boost the development which total up the RKN10 budget to BND8.2 billion. |
RKN 11 (2018-2023) |
 | The Eleventh National Development Plan (RKN11) further consolidates developmental efforts in the production of the Non-Oil and Gas sector with the RKN theme of "Increased Non-Oil and Gas Sector Output as Catalysts for Economic Growth".
Six (6) strategic development thrusts in implementing the RKN11: - Improving Quality of Teaching and Training to Produce Educated and Highly-Skilled Human Capital;
- Developing Manpower in line with Industry Requirements;
- Building Visionary and Wasatiah Communities;
- Strengthening the Sustainable Welfare of the People;
- Increasing Output and Contribution of Non-Oil and Gas Sector to Gross Domestic Product;
- Strengthening Goverment's Governance for a Conducive Business Environment.
A total of BND3.5 billion has been allocated during the five-year period to finance 186 projects