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Price Controlled Items
Cooking Oil Jan 2025​​
Powdered​ Infant Milk
Dec 2024​
Price Comparison
Motor Vehicles
Jan 2025​​​
Nov 2024​​​​​

Latest Key Indicators
(  Jan 2025 )
Price Control
​Number of Warning Notices Issued3
​Number of Compound Issued​
Number of Premises Notified for Cheap Sale Price Event​436
​Number of premises notified for Extension of Cheap Sale Price Event0
​Number of Cooking Oils' Certificate Issued
​Number of Formulated Powdered Milks' Certificate Issued
Consumer Protection
Number of Consumer Complaints Received9
Number of participants for


Consumer Protection


The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) is the agency responsible for protecting consumers through enforcing the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Order, 2011 (CPTFO).  

The Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Order, 2011 (CPTFO) protects consumers against any unfair practices by sellers. It covers conducts such as:

1. Deceiving or misleading consumers

2. Making false claims

3. Taking advantage of consumer who is not in position to protect his own interest or is not reasonably able to           understand the transaction

Price Control


The Department is responsible for the implementation of the Price Control Act, Chapter 142, as well as the administrative implementation of the setting of maximum prices on selected foods items during festive seasons. It hopes to protect the welfare of consumers in Brunei Darussalam, especially the low-income earners.

Monitoring of prices of price-controlled goods and a selected number of basic necessity items is carried out by the Price Inspectors through inspections on a regular basis involving business premises such as supermarkets and grocery stores in all four districts throughout the country. In addition, spot-checks are also carried out on a random basis on business premises, as well as upon receiving consumers' reports.