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​ Starting 2019, statistical publications are available for free download.

Brunei Darussalam Statistical Yearbook (BDSYB) is an annual publication. It covers a wide variety of statistics on the general demographic, social and economic characteristics of Brunei Darussalam for the use of planners, policy makers, researchers, academician and the general public.

BDSYB provides a summary of the most recent statistical data available from official sources gathered from government ministries and departments and other relevant bodies and organisations.

BDSYB 2023 is the 47th edition.

More details ...       E-book​ /  Free Download


Brunei Darussalam Key Indicators (BDKI) is an annual publication.

It provides a summary of the key socio-economic statistical indicators for Brunei Darussalam.

BDKI 2023 is the 40th edition.
More details ...       E-book​ /  Free Download

Report of the Population and Housing Census (BPP) 2021: Demographic, Household and Housing Characteristics presents the data on the number and key demographic characteristics of the population, households, and housing units of Brunei Darussalam in 2021.

BPP is an essential source of information on the Brunei Darussalam population, in which BPP 2021 will be the basis for updating the demographics of the population of Brunei Darussalam from 2017 to 2021 and superseding the data in the Report of the Preliminary Count of Total Population 2021 released in October 2021.

More details ... Full Report
                      The Population and Housing Census Report (BPP) 2021:  Demographic Household and Housing Characteristics

ANNEX A – Population by Demographic Characteristics 2021
ANNEX B – Population, Households and Occupied Living Quarters by     District, Mukim and Kampung, 2011 and 2021
ANNEX C – Population by Demographic Characteristics District, Mukim and Kampung 2021

​Report of the Population and Housing Census 2021: Economic Activity Characteristics describes the economic activity of the population of Brunei Darussalam in 2021, which provides information on the activity status of the population, labour force participation rate, employment status, occupation, industry, sector of employment, income from work, unemployment as well as population outside labour force.

For further details on BPP 2021, please go to the census portal:

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                         Report - Population and Housing Census (BPP) 2021 Report: Economic        Activity Characteristics

                         Annex A - Economic Activity Status

                         Annex B - Employment

                         Annex C - Unemployment

                         Annex D - Economically Inactive

​​JPES has released the Insights Into The Population and Housing Census (BPP) 2021 on Geographic Distribution, Household Recreational Activity and Persons with Disability, based on the Population and Housing Census (BPP) 2021.

The geographic distribution information collected based on the findings of the Population and Housing Census (BPP) 2021 that summarizes the geographic distribution profile of the population, household and  housing according to district, mukim and kampung/village in Brunei Darussalam. The summary profile at the district level consists of the main characteristics of the population such as sex, race, residential status, and age group.

Household Recreational Activities information collected from the Population and Housing Census (BPP) 2021 highlights household recreational activities within and outside the country.

Disability information collected from the Population and Housing Census (BPP) 2021 summarizes the profile of the person with disability or disabilities. Person with disability refers to a person who is disabled or has difficulties performing activities or actions that require physical ability or specific functions. During BPP 2021, the information acquired is self-reported by household members. The disability questions are based on the Washington Group on Disability Statistics as recommended by United Nations Statistics Division.

​For further details on BPP 2021, please go to the census portal:

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Geographic Distribution -  ​
1  2  3  4
​Household Recreational Activities -
​Persons with Disability -

Brunei Darussalam Statistical Yearbook (BDSYB) is an annual publication. It covers a wide variety of statistics on the general demographic, social and economic characteristics of Brunei Darussalam for the use of planners, policy makers, researchers, academician and the general public.

BDSYB provides a summary of the most recent statistical data available from official sources gathered from government ministries and departments and other relevant bodies and organisations.

BDSYB 2022 is the 46th edition.

BDSYB 2022
Full Report
Table of Contents
Social Indicators
Economic Indicators
Sectoral Indicators

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The Report of the Preliminary Count of Total Population 2021 presents the data of total population and key demographic characteristics of Brunei Darussalam's population in 2021. The preliminary count is based on the results from the First Stage: House listing and the Second Stage: e-Census of the Population and Housing Census 2021.

The release of Report of the BPP 2021: Demographic, Household and Housing Characteristics in November 2022 supersedes the data in the Report of the Preliminary Count of Total Population 2021.

More details ... Full Report​
​Brunei Darussalam Vital Statistics is an annual publication. It provides time series data on live births, deaths, marriages and divorces compiled from the data provided by the Ministry of Health, State Judiciary Department, Attorney General Chambers Department and the Department of Immigration and National Registration.

Brunei Darussalam Vital Statistics 2021 is the 31th edition.

More details ...          VS2021   Free Download
Brunei Darussalam International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) provides data on merchandise trade between Brunei Darussalam and the rest of the world.   

The IMTS 2013 publication releases the revised IMTS data from 2010 which incorporated additional information of the Free Trade Agreements between Brunei Darussalam and regional countries.

In 2013, JPKE also started releasing monthly IMTS reports.

More details ...                INTRODUCTION

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This publication presents the second Supply and Use Tables (SUT) and the Input-Output Table (IOT) for Brunei Darussalam for the benchmark year 2010.

The SUT and IOT offer the most detailed portrait of the economy. The tables are part of the national accounts of Brunei Darussalam, complementing the quarterly and annual series of national income, expenditure and product aggregates.

The SUT also provides a consistent and coherent Gross Domestic Product (GDP) estimates from all the three approaches, namely the production, income and expenditure approaches.  

More details ...         EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

The national accounts of Brunei Darussalam has been revised and rebased with the new base year 2010.

This publication presents the annual estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and other macro-economic aggregates for the years 2010 to 2013 with base year 2010. The new series incorporates several improvements, including compiling for the first time, estimates of GDP from income approach, gross national income (GNI) and savings.

More details ...           EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

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The Population and Housing Census Update (KBPP) 2016 was conducted from May to September 2016. The main objective of KBPP 2016 was to update the number and information regarding the population obtained from the Population and Housing Census (BPP) 2011; as well as to update the number and listing of housing units throughout the country to be used for future censuses and surveys. This was the first time that such update was conducted during an inter-censal period.

This Final Report of the Population and Housing Census Update (KBPP) 2016 presents the final data on the number and key demographic characteristics of the population, as well as information on the family or households and housing units in Brunei Darussalam in 2016. Therefore, the final data in this report supersedes the data in the Preliminary Report KBPP 2016 released in October 2017.

More details ...         Population and Housing Census Update Final Report

ANNEX A   -  Population by Demographic CharacteristicsANNEX D - Household and Type of Occupied Living Quarters by District, Mukim and Kampung
ANNEX B - Population, Households and Occupied Living Quarters  by District, Mukim and KampungANNEX E - Urban and Rural Population, Households and Occupied Living Quarters by District, Mukim and Kampung
ANNEX C - Population by Demographic Characteristics District, Mukim and Kampung
BPP 2011 was the fifth Population and Housing Census conducted in Brunei Darussalam in 2011. The previous censuses were conducted in 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001.

This Preliminary Report of the Population and Housing Census 2011 is the first publication in a series of census reports released in stages. This report provides preliminary data of the total population, households and living quarters, as well as the distribution and growth by district.

More details ...          BPP 2011: PRELIMINARY REPORT

The census collected a wide range of information about the demographic, social, economic and housing characteristics of Brunei Darussalam’s population. Apart from providing a comprehensive profile of the population, the 2011 census data can be compared with similar information from the previous censuses to show how the conditions of the population have changed over time.

This Report of the Population and Housing Census 2011 - Demographic Characteristics presents the final data from BPP 2011.

More details ...         EXECUTIVE SUMMARY         

The Report of the Population and Housing Census 2011 - Economic Activity Characteristics presents data on economic activity in Brunei Darussalam based on the Population and Housing Census 2011. It consists of status of population economic activity, employment, unemployment and economically inactive population.

More details ...         EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Brunei  Darussalam  conducted  its  third  national  Labour  Force  Survey  (LFS)  in 2014. The earlier surveys were conducted in 1995 and 2008. The main objective of this survey  was  to  collect  the  latest  information  on  the  size,  structure,  distribution  and characteristics  of  the  labour  force,  employment,  unemployment  and  other  economic characteristics of the population. It also includes labour underutilization which is in line with  the  new  international  standards,  adopted  by  the  19th International  Conference  of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) in 2013

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The main objective of Annual Census of Enterprises (ACE) is to collect latest information on the size, structure and economic activity characteristics of business enterprises in the private sector business, particularly relating to the micro, small and medium enterprises.  

ACE is conducted annually starting 2015, in addition to the Economic Census which is only conducted every 5 years. Results from ACE will provide more frequent and up-to-date information on the profile of private sector businesses to assist in the planning, research and policy making related to the development of the private sector in contributing towards the country’s economic growth.

ACE 2023 collects information for the reference year 2021 & 2022

More details ...          SUMMARY REPORT    MEDIA RELEASE​
INFOGRAPHICS:   1   2   3  4   5

​​The main objective of Annual Census of Enterprises (ACE) is to collect latest information on the size, structure and economic activity characteristics of business enterprises in the private sector business, particularly relating to the micro, small and medium enterprises.  

ACE is conducted annually starting 2015, in addition to the Economic Census which is only conducted every 5 years. Results from ACE will provide more frequent and up-to-date information on the profile of private sector businesses to assist in the planning, research and policy making related to the development of the private sector in contributing towards the country’s economic growth.

ACE 2021 collects information for the reference years 2020.

More details ...          SUMMARY REPORT    MEDIA RELEASE​
INFOGRAPHICS:   1   2   3  ​

The main objective of Annual Census of Enterprises (ACE) is to collect latest information on the size, structure and economic activity characteristics of business enterprises in the private sector business, particularly relating to the micro, small and medium enterprises.  

ACE is conducted annually starting 2015, in addition to the Economic Census which is only conducted every 5 years. Results from ACE will provide more frequent and up-to-date information on the profile of private sector businesses to assist in the planning, research and policy making related to the development of the private sector in contributing towards the country’s economic growth.

ACE 2019 collects information for the reference years 2018 and 2019.

More details ...          SUMMARY REPORT         MEDIA RELEASE   
INFOGRAPHICS:   1   2   3
​​The main objective of Annual Census of Enterprises (ACE) is to collect latest information on the size, structure and economic activity characteristics of business enterprises in the private sector business, particularly relating to the micro, small and medium enterprises.  

ACE is conducted annually starting 2015, in addition to the Economic Census which is only conducted every 5 years. Results from ACE will provide more frequent and up-to-date information on the profile of private sector businesses to assist in the planning, research and policy making related to the development of the private sector in contributing towards the country’s economic growth.

ACE 2017 collects information for the reference years 2016 and 2017.

More details ...          SUMMARY REPORT         MEDIA RELEASE   
INFOGRAPHICS:   1   2   3

The Economic Census (EC) 2011 was conducted starting in December 2011, covering all registered businesses in the country. The main objective of the census was to collect information relating to economic activities undertaken by businesses during the reference year 2010.

This Preliminary Report of the Economic Census 2011 presents basic data on the number of businesses, number of workers and gross revenue of businesses by type of economic activity. The publication of this report is meant to provide preliminary data and findings from the Economic Census 2011 in order to meet the needs of various users.

More details ...        EC 2011: PRELIMINARY REPORT

​This report presents the final results of the 2011 Economic Census and contains key data on the number of businesses, number of employees, compensation of employees, operating revenue and expenditure as well as gross value added of businesses by type of economic activity.

More details ...         EXECUTIVE SUMMARY         
​The Department of Economic Planning and Development (JPKE) conducted the Economic Census of Enterprises (ECE) 2016 starting in May 2016.

The main objective of ECE 2016 was to collect comprehensive and latest information pertaining to the growth, contribution, composition and distribution of the economic activities undertaken by the business enterprises in the private sector.

This Preliminary Report of the Economic Census of Enterprises (ECE) 2016 presents the preliminary data on the profile and performance of the private sector businesses in 2015.

more details ...        PRELIMINARY REPORT            MEDIA RELEASE  
SNAPSHOTS :       Enterprises,employment and revenue by type of economic activities

Total and share (%) of enterprises, employment and revenue by business size

Percentage share of enterprises, employment and revenue by type of economic activity

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Household Expenditure Survey (HES) 2015/16 was conducted from 1st April 2015 until 31st March 2016, covering private households nationwide on a sample basis. The main objective of the survey was to collect comprehensive information on the pattern of household expenditure and the level of household income, as well as households’ demographic and socio-economic characteristics. Results of the survey are used to compile household consumption expenditure and household income; and also to update the weightings and the basket of goods and services for the compilation of the Consumer Price Index.

This Report of the Household Expenditure Survey (HES) 2015/16 presents detailed findings on household expenditure, household income, and ownership of housing and household durables in Brunei Darussalam.

More details ...     HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE SURVEY 2015/2016

Household Expenditure Survey (HES) 2015/16 was conducted from 1st April 2015 until 31st March 2016, covering private households nationwide on a sample basis. The main objective of the survey was to collect comprehensive information on the pattern of household expenditure and the level of household income, as well as households’ demographic and socio-economic characteristics. Results of the survey are used to compile household consumption expenditure and household income; and also to update the weightings and the basket of goods and services for the compilation of the Consumer Price Index.

This Report of the Summary Findings Household Expenditure Survey (HES) 2015/16 presents basic findings on household expenditure and household income in Brunei Darussalam.

More details ...       MEDIA RELEASE      SUMMARY

The Household Expenditure Survey (HES) 2010/11 was conducted from 1st April 2010 until 31st March 2011.

The Report of the Household Expenditure Survey (HES) 2010/11 presents data on household expenditure, household income, and ownership of housing and household durables in Brunei Darussalam.

More details ...          EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

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